Special $97 Offer on Sin's Cure Video Course


Get the incredible self-help, life-changing course to assist you on your journey to personal and business success

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Learn the Tools to Eliminate Selfish Behaviours

Go deep on why you participate in thinking and activities that hurt yourself and others. Then learn and put into practice the tools to not only manage these areas but gain victory over them. A 12 Module course modeled off the 12 sections in the book with private Facebook group. Designed around a weekly process or go at your own pace.

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1 on 1 Coaching - Sin's Cure

Join Donovan on weekly zoom calls as you progress through the course. This is time to connect directly with the author, get questions answered, apply what you are learning with added insights, basic counseling from an Ordained Minister, and encouraging words to keep you going!

Choose from weekly, every other week or once a month sessions as you go through the Sin's Cure program. Includes the video course.

12 Sessions 8 Sessions 4 Sessions

In-Person Events

Donovan is available for in person events, conferences, coaching, office training, virtual summits, churches, etc. Special group video course pricing of 10 or more is also available.

For more information, fill out contact form at https://www.donovanfulkerson.com.

This is Your Moment

Join me as we tackle some of life's most important issues together and help you find the tools necessary to win!


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